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The art and creativity of Barcelona, and the ingenuity and precision of Lausanne, by Carolina Aguilar

The art and creativity of Barcelona, and the ingenuity and precision of Lausanne, by Carolina Aguilar

Fotografía: National Geographic
Carolina Aguilar

Carolina Aguilar is CEO & co-founder of INBRAIN Neuroelectronics, a pioneer in the development of smart implantable graphene systems for the treatment of neurological disorders.

Lausanne, Carolina Aguilar’s adopted city, has an admirable health start-up ecosystem in which all the different actors collaborate closely. “Lausanne has managed to create an ecosystem in which universities, businesses, health systems, investors and government work together effectively to foster entrepreneurship," says Carolina Aguilar. The Biopôle life science campus has been set up to foster collaboration, provide support to existing companies and startups, and enable transfer scientific research to be applied in innovative products and clinical applications.

According to Aguilar, Barcelona also has an outstanding life sciences ecosystem. However, she points out that much still needs to be done to find new ways of encouraging key actors to work together. “It's not difficult to be inspired by the creativity and art of the city of Barcelona and the precision and ingenuity of Lausanne. Barcelona is the sum of its parts; if we work together, we can contribute to making pioneering advances for the benefit of the whole of society” concludes the CEO of INBRAIN.

Read the full article here.

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