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Barcelona's educational potential, by Carlota Ibáñez

Barcelona's educational potential, by Carlota Ibáñez

Photograph: Unsplash
Carlota Ibáñez Moreno

Global Procurement Marketing Manager at Nestlé in Vevey, Switzerland

"Switzerland is considered a country where knowledge and education are crucial resources. The Swiss model is recognised worldwide," says Carlota Ibáñez. Despite the many elements in common between Barcelona and Lausanne, she stresses that in Lausanne "the practical nature of Swiss education and its focus on training qualified workers who are ready to join the labour market is valued".

Nevertheless, Ibáñez highlights Barcelona's educational potential and its capacity to attract international talent, although she considers it necessary "to continue investing in education and research in order to promote new and more efficient educational channels that are prepared to respond to the current situation and reality", concludes Ibáñez.

Read the full article here.

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