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Entrepreneurship in Barcelona

Entrepreneurship in Barcelona

Simona Salsi

Innovation Advisor Team Lead at Mind the Bridge

Ada Guelfand

Researcher at Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology

At the crossroads of tradition and innovation, Barcelona is known for its rich history and dynamic present, especially in entrepreneurship, which has always played a central role in its development. The provision of innovative solutions to meet the new needs of the growing city has led to major changes and extraordinary progress. Although there are now many opportunities, the city must meet a number of challenges if it is to provide the ideal ecosystem for entrepreneurs.

Challenges and opportunities

In order to succeed, good initiatives need an ecosystem that supports emerging companies, introduces pioneering technology, encourages investment in startups, and offers incentives and tax breaks.

All of this should help to make the city a magnet for new business. Encouraging the different players to come together in pursuit of similar goals will help them to tackle the new challenges. We need to support entrepreneurs with a resilient ecosystem in order to discover new ways of making things happen.

Over the years, Barcelona has demonstrated its ability to transform and innovate. As business journalist Joan Carles Valero points out, the 1977 tax reform, the Mobile World Congress, which has been held in the city since 2006, and the upcoming America's Cup all highlight the city's position as a hub for sustainable and digital business.

For 4YFN's Pere Duran, the key is to support entrepreneurs with proven financial products and encourage the creation of new startups, with public-private initiatives playing a crucial role. Funding remains a challenge, however, despite the various initiatives available.

Attracting investment and talent

The city must compete in a global marketplace in which foreign professionals expect quality of life, career opportunities, and an inclusive and a welcoming environment. Offering financial incentives is not enough. The city’s links with international investors and global corporations can help to attract high-caliber professionals looking for a dynamic ecosystem that offers them funding and opportunities for cooperation.

Venture Partner Helena Torras argues that Barcelona has a unique ecosystem in which civil society plays an important role, a phenomenon that is not often seen in other European cities. However, there is a need for larger local investment funds to support growth beyond the early stages.

Tax and regulatory environment

High tax rates on stock options and fixed rates for freelancers are deterrents. Stanley Forteau's experience with Ukio underscores the need for a change in mindset and more business-friendly policies, including tax incentives to attract startups and talent that are similar to those offered in Ireland. The startup law introduced last year is a step in the right direction.

Looking forward to the future

Although the city boasts global innovation hubs and top 100 universities, there is considerable potential for growth. The city prides itself on innovation, but there are still huge opportunities in sectors such as healthcare, biotechnology and smart city initiatives. The city is currently seeking to make starting a business easier and to create a more welcoming environment for investors and talent alike. With some minor changes to its strategies and a commitment to innovation, Barcelona will be should be able to innovate in a coordinated manner across all the different sectors in the city. Proactive, original, game-changing research must be applied to all the different challenges faced by industry.

In his latest book urban planning expert Ramón Grass, of Arethian Technologies argues that it is necessary to create centers where researchers can come into direct contact with business people, while Xavier Ferrás, of ESADE, points out the urgent need to innovate as a macro-region and ensure that the knowledge of researchers is transferred to business in order to meet the needs of the real world.

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