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«Immunological and social ... tolerance» by José M Carballido

«Immunological and social ... tolerance» by José M Carballido

Photograph: Unsplash
José M Carballido

Executive Director of Novartis Biomedical Research

Tolerance is an essential process of the immune system that has evolved to ensure that our immune cells recognise and fight pathogens without attacking our own tissues. This balance is crucial to avoid harmful or excessive immune responses.

Thus, through Swiss education, the study of immunological tolerance, with its emphasis on values such as respect and tolerance, offers an interesting parallel, showing how these qualities are fundamental to building an inclusive and harmonious society, just as the immune system balances its response to maintain health.

In Barcelona's case, applying immunological concepts to life means understanding that diversity is a source of strength, and that tolerance is key to peaceful coexistence. Instead of uniformity and isolation, collaboration and openness are the pathways to progress.

Barcelona, with its vibrant culture and great potential, can benefit greatly from inclusive policies and intercultural education. Promoting dialogue between communities and fostering respect for diversity will lead the city and its inhabitants towards success and happiness.

Read the full article here.

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