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Pérez-Llorca: a law firm with global reach

Pérez-Llorca: a law firm with global reach

Gerard Serra i Trullàs, partner responsible for the Pérez-Llorca office in Barcelona


What does Perez-Llorca specialize in?

Pérez-Llorca is a leading international Spanish law firm that offers advice on all aspects of Spanish law and plays a part in all the main business operations and disputes. We are renowned for providing our clients with quality, service, and commitment, and seek to contribute to their business success.

When was the company founded and when did you start working in this company?

The firm was founded in 1983 by José Pedro Pérez-Llorca and I started working here 25 years ago, when the firm opened its office in the city. If it had not been for the pandemic, we would have celebrated the 25th anniversary of our office in Barcelona with friends and clients this year; we will certainly have a celebration as soon as the situation allows us to do so.

What do you like most about your work?

It’s really satisfying to benefit from our customers’ complete trust in our advice and support; this undoubtedly obliges us to give our best as professionals every day. In its ongoing search for excellence, Pérez-Llorca has never stopped evolving. Since we started out in Barcelona we have grown considerably, but we still have the same spirit, which is what drives us seek to grow and improve day by day. I am very proud of this spirit, which is highly motivating both on a personal and a professional level.

And what do you like least?

The legal profession is very demanding and can be very time-consuming and stressful. But I always try to find the necessary balance between profession, family and friends.

What do you think your company is particularly good at?

For our team of professionals, our experience, and our client portfolio. With more than 35 years of experience in the Spanish market, the team’s professionals have one aim in common: to pursue excellence in our work in order to contribute to the business success of our clients. Backed up by firm ethical principles, we offer an invaluable legal service that helps our clients to achieve the results they need in the most efficient way possible.

What is your main challenge?

On a professional level: to continue growing and consolidating the firm, particularly our office in Barcelona. We also aim to anticipate the needs of the market at all times and maintain and improve our service, quality and excellence every day.

On a personal level, I enjoy facing new challenges and transmitting my knowledge and motivation to young people so that the company will survive those who created it. This has always been one of main aims of our business.

Where is your business located? Do you know why this location was chosen?

We are on the top floor of the Alta Diagonal building, which, as its name suggests, is located on Avenida Diagonal, one of the main city arteries. For me, it is undoubtedly one of the best office buildings in the whole of Barcelona. Not only because it offers first class facilities and services, but also because it has an outstanding location and is well-connected with locations in and outside the city.

What do you like most about the neighborhood where you work?

The fact that it is Barcelona’s main financial and business district, is well-connected, and has a comprehensive network of services. There is also a wide range of restaurants, which are ideal for business meals.

How important is Barcelona for your company?

Barcelona has always been a fundamental component of our business. José Pedro Pérez-Llorca, a great friend and colleague, was always a great advocate of Barcelona, and considered it absolutely indispensable for the overall development of the whole country and, of course, our own business as well. Although the firm originated in Madrid, we have always been very clear that Barcelona is essential for growing the firm, which now has offices in Madrid, Barcelona, London and New York.

With which city would you compare Barcelona to?

London, Milan, Boston, and Paris. They all have characteristics that are similar to Barcelona and aspects that we could learn from.

What city model should Barcelona adopt?

Barcelona should develop its own model, but take inspiration from the best practices of large and medium-size cities. There are many things that can be learnt from the reputation of New York, the connectivity and accessibility of London, the environmental efficiency of Stockholm, and the economic dynamism of Singapore, etc., and these should be implemented in Barcelona in a manner which preserves the city’s identity.

What best practices from other cities would you like Barcelona to adopt??

I have traveled to Paris on numerous occasions for work and I know the city and its dynamics well. I would like Barcelona to be imbued with the same insatiable dynamism, both on a cultural and a professional level.

What would you ask of the Barcelona of the future?

Barcelona should aspire to position itself in the first division of major world cities for its reputation, standard of living, and knowledge economy. Barcelona should be more ambitious and pragmatic and develop a medium- and long-term strategic plan for the city. It is necessary to focus on the Greater Barcelona metropolitan area and give priority to the city’s connections and transport links with all the medium and small cities that surround it and make up a whole ecosystem. Barcelona must be a balanced city and attractive for international business, but at the same time it must be welcoming and environmentally-friendly for the people who live here and those who would like to come and live here.

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