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Hutchison Ports BEST transformando el sector logístico marítimo de Barcelona

Hutchison Ports BEST transformando el sector logístico marítimo de Barcelona

There are cities with ports and ports with cities, and Barcelona belongs undoubtedly to the first group. With a strategic position on the Mediterranean, the port facilities.

The port is essential for the Catalan economy, contributing 5.7% of GDP and employing 41,000 professionals in its 500 companies, which include multinational Hutchison Ports.

Hutchison Ports, liderando la red portuaria

Visitar las instalaciones de esta empresa ubicada en la zona sur del Port de Barcelona y líder en movimiento y gestión de carga de contenedores es adentrarse en el mundo de la automatización, la robótica, la inteligencia artificial y también la sostenibilidad, además de comprender la transformación del sector logístico y su repercusión económica. Y más si lo haces de la mano de un grupo de jóvenes expertos en ciudad, tras su paso por el programa de formación y liderazgo Barcelona 2040, que promueve Barcelona Global, y el anfitrión es el CEO de Hutchison Ports BEST, Guillermo Belcastro and accompanied by a group of young experts on the Barcelona 2040 training and leadership program promoted by Barcelona Global..

With extensive experience in port management around the world, Hutchison Ports has played a key role in the economic development of Barcelona and it continues to ensure that Barcelona retains its positioning as an essential logistics hub.

BEST, cross-border connectivity

Hutchison Ports BEST forma parte del grupo Hutchison Ports, el operador portuario más grande del mundo presente en 54 puertos de 25 países, y es la terminal de contenedores más importante del Mediterráneo, un referente además para su sector por su eficiencia y grado de innovación.

Located alongside the Prat dock, the Barcelona terminal covers an impressive 80 hectares. It is the group's first semi-automated terminal and the most technologically advanced, as well as one of the most productive in the world.

It occupies a 1.5-kilometer-long dock, with a depth of 16.5 meters, where up to three large ships can be loaded and unloaded simultaneously. Trucks, impressive wheeled shuttle carriers, automated crane and stackers seem to play Tetris with the containers as they move backwards and forwards along the dock. The terminal also has super post-panamax gantry cranes capable of unloading the world’s largest container ships, which are often some 22 containers wide.

Innovation and sustainable development

The loading and unloading of ships is carried out with state-of-the-art, fully electric and semi-automated equipment and technology, a key design in the fight against climate change. Sustainability is implicit in all the operations carried out by this terminal, from the arrival of the ship to the movement of the goods.

Hutchison Ports BEST se encuentra en la lista de las instalaciones portuarias más sostenibles de toda la industria. Actualmente, trabaja en la instalación de paneles solares para su autosuficiencia energética y tiene prevista la electrificación de todas sus instalaciones para que los buques puedan conectarse a energía renovable durante su estancia en el puerto.

But this is not its only distinguishing feature: the terminal also has the largest railway connection in a Mediterranean port. The eight tracks, each 750 meters long, enable goods to be transported to the main Spanish and southern European cities. With railway traffic in the Port and Barcelona increasing 3% to 20% in the last decade, it has its own rail operator, whose main goal is to is to improve the logistics chain and reduce the carbon footprint. Gracias a estos proyectos, la cuota de tráfico ferroviario en el Port de Barcelona ha pasado en la última década del 3% al 20%.

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