Cityer: Ethic fashion that redefines the urban mobility

Edgar Carrascal, Creative Director in Cityer
What is Cityer?
At Cityer we rethink the fashion industry through the design of functional, intelligent, durable and ethical pieces. Improving the experience of commuters that navigate across the city.
When was the company founded and when did you start working in this company?
Cityer Investment SL. was created in 2020 by Guillem Marquez Heredia CEO of GMH Advisory. I work as Creative Director and along with Alesandra Rangel, project leader, we oversaw the creation of the brand proposal.
What do you like most about your work?
Aligning employees and suppliers with a philosophy based on environmental responsibility, decent work, and sustainable cities, which requires constantly finding innovative solutions. That is what I am passionate about.
And what do you like least?
Our job in design requires us to study different industries and obtain a transversal vision to offer the consumer a responsible and quality product. Unfortunately, in some cases, you cannot incorporate all the necessary elements into the product or give it the attributes it requires. These decisions are hard, but they also reveal that new eco-design solutions must be sought and that there is much to be done in this field.
What do you think your company excels at?
We stand out in the hybrid business vision, being linked to the fashion industry and urban mobility for commuters. Also in ecodesign as the center of our product and campaign capsule, launched on the platform kickstarter on 08.11.2022, where our strengths are seen. Our environment of collaborators with high knowledge in material research and innovative design solutions, such as MaterFad and Sympatex, is undoubtedly another differential.
What is your main challenge?
We aspire to become the next generation in changing the mindset of active mobility in specialized products. This is, no doubt, a demanding task, but luckily, we have a great team of advisors behind. We believe that it is time to bet on the highly differential, functional, aesthetic and with a positive impact on the environment.
Where is your business located? Do you know why this location was chosen?
From the beginning we have always considered Barcelona as the base of the brand due to its high cultural and creative level and its capacity for internationalization. At the same time, Barcelona is a city of contrasts with an unequaled quality of life.
What do you like most about the neighborhood where you work?
We are based in Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, a neighbourhood where you find a lot of international business activity and enjoy local design and gastronomy at the same time. The positive thing is that being centrally located as it is, we can analyze the streets and take references of how people move: by bicycle, segways, rollers…Everything that a commuter carries in his day to work.
How important is Barcelona for your company?
Very important. For Cityer, Barcelona articulates all its DNA: it is a city of international reference, a technology hub with a clear implementation of urban mobility regulations. It has research parks and a globally recognized level of design. Our first capsule for commuters has interventions made by a local artist, which reaffirms our commitment to the artistic community. artista local, lo que reafirma nuestro compromiso con la comunidad artística.
With which city would you compare Barcelona to?
It could be like Oslo, Sydney, and Seattle in terms of mobility or New York and Los Angeles in terms of design. But what I would like to believe the most is that Barcelona can choose to configure itself as a unique city.
What model of city do you think Barcelona should be like?
Cities like Stockholm or Tokyo in the implementation of sustainability regulations, as they possess infrastructures adapted to the well-being of citizens and designed to maintain quality of life.
What good practices from other cities would you like Barcelona to adopt?
I believe that public institutions should be more permeable to design and innovation, constantly allocating resources or implementing collaborative methods. These improve people's lives, generate equity and have a positive impact on the creation of environmental policies.
What would you ask of the Barcelona of the future?
Not to lose this path of growth and to support more transversal educational methodologies, as these generate the kind of wealth that transcends and redefines the vision of the future of its citizens.
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