IMO Grupo Miranza, visualizing the future

Rafael Navarro, medical director of IMO Grupo Miranza Barcelona and R+D+i director for Grupo Miranza
What is IMO Grupo Miranza?
IMO Grupo Miranza is a group of ophthalmological clinics that lead the world in combined and highly complex ophthalmological surgery.
We have ophthalmologists who are specialists in all parts of the eye and every kind of ocular pathology. Their collaboration and essential teaching and research work contributes to significant advances in ophthalmology.
We currently have about thirty ophthalmologists in four locations (Barcelona, Madrid, Manresa and Andorra).
When was the company founded and when did you start working in this company?
IMO began its commitment to the field of private medicine in the mid-80s. The Retina and Vitreous Center, precursor of IMO, was established by Dr. Borja Corcóstegui, one of the great names in ophthalmology on the international scene.
In 1994, the first IMO (Institute of Ocular Microsurgery) clinic was opened in Barcelona, attracting experts in various parts of the eye (retina, cataracts, cornea, refractive surgery, glaucoma and, later, ocular plastic surgery).
I joined the team in 1999 as an expert in retinal diseases and, since then, I have combined clinical practice, with research, especially on chronic diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and hereditary conditions, such as retinal dystrophies, a group of diseases that cause progressive blindness and, for which there is currently no cure.
What do you like most about your work?
I love my profession. What motivates me is being able to help people and provide them with solutions to their ophthalmological problems. I also appreciate using the latest technology and working with a professional team that focuses on offering the best care and solutions to patients who entrust us with as vital a concern as the health of their eyes.
And what do you like least?
Not being able to solve conditions for which there are currently no treatments, no cure.
However, in a few years, with the efforts of our R + D + i team, I think we will be able to treat these pathologies and help the people and families affected.
What do you think your company excels at?
Our pursuit of excellence. We have a team of leading professionals in their fields, and the latest technology. We offer a top quality service at national and European level.
We are also proud to say that IMO Grupo Miranza Barcelona has been accredited by the Joint Comission International (JCI), a prestigious American organization that only accredits healthcare centers if they have reached the very highest standards.
What is your main challenge?
To remain at the forefront of global ophthalmology, a goal we work towards every day.
Where is your business located? Do you know why this location was chosen?
Our company headquarters is located in Barcelona, in Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, very close to Exit 7 of the Ronda de Dalt.
Barcelona was the obvious choice since we wanted to be accessible to patients from other parts of Spain as well as from other countries around the world. Barcelona has all that is needed to be the center of European ophthalmology.
What do you like most about the neighborhood where you work?
The quiet. We are located in a very safe area, where people are peaceful and pleasant. This is essential if for ensuring that our patients are at ease.
Patients often highlight the tranquility of the place, and the beautiful environment. The facilities are surrounded by greenery in a hilly area with incredible views of Barcelona.
How important is Barcelona for your company?
Barcelona is a city that enjoys considerable prestige in the world of ophthalmology. Companies and individuals from all over the world rank it highly. This affects the number of international patients who come to our clinic.
The people and the good climate also help to attract an increasing number of international patients.
With which city would you compare Barcelona to?
I think Barcelona has it all: a good location, international prestige, high quality professionals... It is difficult to compare it with other cities, although I must say that for me the quality of the staff in each clinic is more important than the city in which it is located.
What model of city do you think Barcelona should be like?
Each city has its pros and cons, but Barcelona is special. As far as the ophthalmology sector is concerned, it is a leading city at both European and global levels.
What best practices from other cities would you like Barcelona to adopt??
I would like to see better management of public resources, which would improve inhabitants’ quality of life. Regarding research,more public-private research is needed and a collaborative culture that links up the administration and universities with private companies. We also need to put an end to the job insecurity that results in talented people moving away.
What would you ask of the Barcelona of the future?
Good question! The truth is that it is not easy to make projections, but I would ask for improvements in transport, security, and cleanliness. These are the 3 areas I would focus on.
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