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Laborde Marcet, asesoramiento y gestión patrimonial

Laborde Marcet, asesoramiento y gestión patrimonial

Miquel Laborde. Founding Partner of Laborde Marcet

What is Laborde Marcet?

Laborde Marcet is a real estate investment company. We advise companies, families, and investment funds on the acquisition of real estate and/or the use of commercial premises, residential buildings, offices, and hotels, etc. Our core business is advising those who wish to invest in real estate in Barcelona.

When was the company founded and when did you start working in this company?

It was founded in 2009 by Gerard Marcet and myself.

What do you like most about your work?

Helping people to get a steady and secure return on their investment. I like to negotiate, find opportunities, and advise clients, who trust me to help them achieve their goals.

And what do you like least?

The real estate sector in general. There are very few genuine professionals and the sector as a whole is very poorly managed. This is because there are a large number of people with no real qualifications dealing with large amounts of money. I would like it to be more like in the United States where there is very strict regulation.

What do you think your company excels at?

It has an ethos that is rooted in family values. It’s not an old-fashioned, top-down company; we always try to lead the whole team in the best possible way, and we are always ready to listen if someone on the team has a better opinion than the partners.

It is a young company, whose priority is excellent personal relationships with the clients. What we do at work is rooted in our own personal values; that’s what makes us different.

What is your main challenge?

Our challenge is to consolidate our business in Barcelona and to advise anyone who wants to invest or run a business in our wonderful city.

Where is your company located?

Our offices are located in Plaça de Catalunya, the heart of Barcelona, which is the right place to be.

Do you know why this location was chosen?

It is right in the center and it offers a strategic view of the city.

What do you like most about the neighborhood where you work?

The action. Where there is action there is business; and where there is business there is LM.

How important is Barcelona for your company?

We know Barcelona very well indeed and the city is ideally suited to offering excellent service to our customers. It has a number of factors that make it unique. When you love the place you work, everything becomes much more organic.

With which city would you compare Barcelona to?

Barcelona is incomparable.

Although Malaga is now experiencing exponential growth by copying the Barcelona of a few years ago, Barcelona still has enormous growth potential.

What model of city do you think Barcelona should be like?

It should be much more open and encourage high-end tourism. We could copy what has been done in cities like Malaga and Madrid in the last eight years where world-class chains have opened new hotels.

What best practices from other cities would you like Barcelona to adopt??

In Spain, I think that Barcelona could learn from what Malaga, Madrid and San Sebastian have done over the last ten years.

What would you ask of the Barcelona of the future?

I’d like to see more openness and sustainability based on ecological, economic, and social studies that are genuinely viable. I’d also like to see the city adopt technological changes that respect human values.

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