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Objetivo Barcelona: An agenda for the future

Objetivo Barcelona: An agenda for the future


What will the world be like in 2050? Large cities are already preparing for the future with long-term strategic plans designed to make them world leaders in the coming decades. What do we want the Barcelona of 2050 to look like? The city is already a global benchmark, but it needs to undertake new projects and address challenges related to inequality, climate change and accessibility in order to grow, create opportunities for all those who live in Barcelona, and remain at the top of the global city rankings.

Barcelona must make changes as it always has done in the past and must focus on talent and on being a well-connected, sustainable, innovative city in permanent interaction with other international hubs. But all this requires a clear agenda for the future, along with plenty of enthusiasm and ambition.

Find out what Barcelona must do to build a strategy for the future from the experts:

  • Andreu Ulied, MCRIT managing partner and author of ‘Barcelona pròxima’
  • Montserrat Termes, PhD in Economics and consultant at CETaqua
  • Pilar Conesa, CEO of Anteverti
  • Vicente Guallart, architect and founder of Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC)
  • Aleix Valls, mathematician and engineer. Digital transformation expert at LiquiD
  • Mateu Hernández, CEO of Barcelona Global
  • Eva Jodar, Business Development Director at CBRE
  • Rafael Vilasanjuan, Policy and Global Development Director at ISGlobal
  • Pepe Serra, director of the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (MNAC)
  • Joan Baltà, CEO of Barcelona Sagrera Alta Velocitat
  • Carme Ribas, manager of the Consorci del Besós
  • Mar Alarcón, founder and CEO of Social Car
  • Jordi Solé, physicist and coordinator of EU MEDEAS
  • Anna Gener, CEO of Savills Aguirre Newman Barcelona
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